Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
West Covina Unified School District District logo

Aeries Online Enrollment allows you to quickly start the process of enrolling a new student with West Covina Unified for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the student's information is electronically sent to the school.

If you plan to attend a school other than your school of residence, an Intra-District Permit form will need to be completed. To access the intra-district permit, click the link, complete the form, and upload the form to this application (you will be able to upload all documents prior to submitting this application). Link: Online Permit Form If you reside outside of the West Covina USD school boundaries, you must have a signed inter-district permit release from your district of residence. The permit will have to be approved by the WCUSD Office of Student Services prior to beginning your enrollment.



Breakfast & Lunch Programs!  

Click here to learn about our meal policy and meal application


To get started enrolling a new student click the Enroll A New Student button.

If you would like to reprint or review students previously registered click the Login button.